How to Create a Successful Demand Plan
At the core of every business strategy for products and services is to provide optimal management of the supply chain. A leak or...
Best Practices for Financial Scenario Planning & Analysis
What is Financial Multi-Scenario Planning? With multi-scenario Planning, companies are able to analyze several potential business...
Online Guide to Financial Planning & Analysis
Precise financial planning is an integral part of every business’s success. It also takes a substantial amount of time and energy from...
How to Forecast Cash Flow in Uncertain Times
Nobody likes a budget that is far off target, especially when it could result in a liquidity crisis. Luckily, most companies rarely have...
The Top 2 Essential Corporate Performance Management Tools for Businesses During COVID-19
As we all struggle to adjust to our new reality of social distancing and general economic uncertainty, it seems as if our expectations...
Differences Between EPM and CPM Software
The terms Corporate Performance Management (CPM) and Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) are often used interchangeably. These two...
Best Financial Consolidations Solutions for Your ERP System
While mid-market and enterprise resource planning (ERP) vendors offer native financial consolidation software, their limitations often...