Investing in Marketplace Distribution Management is investing in your Brand Value
The Counter Diversion service is a micro vertical within the Marketplace monitoring industry that specifically focuses on returning distribution channel control to the manufacturer. Counter Diversion's algorithm analyzes dozens of data points to identify the source of product diversions to unauthorized 3P Sellers (Grey Marketers), reducing price compression and restoring control of product and Brand value to the Brand.
The dynamics of marketplace sales channels like Amazon, eBay, Tao Bao, Jet, WalMart and others, will constantly put pressure on the value of products and ultimately the value of Brands. The Dealers that you set up to sell your products in certain markets are no longer competing with the account across town, they are now competing with accounts and sellers across the country. This increased competition and Seller anonymity, drive price pressure on your products, especially when service levels between sellers are consistent, and the only differentiation is price.
Make your tracked data actionable
Control your Lost Buy Box
Give your Sales and Distribution Management team the tools to solve the Grey Market
Protect the value of your products
Protect your Retail Partners Margins

5% to 10% of a Brands authorized Dealer base is responsible for 94% of a Brands disruptive listings
It is likely that 5-10% of your authorized account base, is driving 90% + of the unauthorized and disruptive Grey Market listings affecting your Brand. However, the rest of your dealer base must work harder to compete and is being burdened to match online prices and your larger customers are probably struggling to meet their margin requirements.